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2024-02-20 11:16:16
美[wɜːrl]  英[wɜːl]
v.  使 ... 旋转;回旋;迅速移动;头晕目眩
n.  回旋;旋转;一个接一个的活动;混乱;尝试
  名词:whirler  过去式:whirled  过去分词:whirled  现在分词:whirling  第三人称单数:whirls


  1. (迅速)卷走
  2. 急驶,飞跑,急行,飞快移动,疾走,飞奔
  3. 使突然转向
  4. 飞快地带走
  5. (使)旋转,(使)回旋,打转,转
  6. 头晕眼花,眩晕,感到昏乱,恍惚,混乱不清
  7. (使)卷成旋涡
  8. 旋转着前进
  9. 旋转着扔
  10. 用车运
  11. 迅速接连发生
  12. 相继涌起
  13. 混成一团
  14. 激动
  15. 螺旋形地运转
  16. 投掷,猛抛
  1. 头晕,昏乱
  2. 一连串的事
  3. <口>短暂的旅行
  4. <口>尝试
  5. 旋转,回旋
  6. 混乱
  7. 使人眼光撩乱的变迁
  8. 旋风
  9. 旋涡, 涡流, 旋流
  10. 【动、植】轮,环
  11. 涡动
  12. 急转(动作)
  13. 接连不断的活动


  1. vt. & vi. (使)急转 (cause to) move round and round very fast
  2. vt. & vi. (使)快速移动 (cause to) move away in a hurry


  1. confused movement;

    "he was caught up in a whirl of work" "a commotion of people fought for the exits"

  2. the shape of something rotating rapidly
  3. a usually brief attempt;

    "he took a crack at it" "I gave it a whirl"

  4. the act of rotating rapidly;

    "he gave the crank a spin" "it broke off after much twisting"

  1. turn in a twisting or spinning motion;

    "The leaves swirled in the autumn wind"

  2. cause to spin;

    "spin a coin"

  3. flow in a circular current, of liquids
  4. revolve quickly and repeatedly around ones own axis;

    "The dervishes whirl around and around without getting dizzy"

  5. fly around;

    "The clothes tumbled in the dryer" "rising smoke whirled in the air"


  1. whirl the dead leaves枯叶四处飞舞
  2. whirl the stick抡动棍子
  1. whirl crazily疯狂地旋转
  2. whirl dizzily头晕目眩
  3. whirl gaily快乐地旋转
  4. whirl giddily头晕目眩
  5. whirl incessantly连续不断地旋转
  6. whirl joyously高兴地旋转
  7. whirl madly混乱不清
  8. whirl away将…带走
  9. whirl round使急转身; 使快速旋转


  1. It may whirl either clockwise or counterclockwise.它可能顺时针方向或反时针方向旋转。
  2. The electron continues to whirl about the proton.电子继续绕着质子转。
  3. The wind whirled the dead leaves about.风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
  4. The houses whirled past us as the train gathered speed.火车越开越快,周围的房子在我们旁边一闪而过。
  5. His head whirled.他头昏了。
  6. I couldnt sleep: my mind was still whirling from all I had seen and heard.我睡不著觉,所见所闻仍在头脑中转来转去。
  1. The colorful whirl of the dancer is beautiful to watch.舞蹈者多彩多姿的旋转令人赏心悦目。
  2. He cant adjust himself to the whirl of modern life in this big city.他无法适应这个大都市的现代生活的忙碌。
  3. Her life was a whirl of parties.她的生活在参加宴会中度过。
  4. My heads in a whirl; I must sit down and think.我的脑袋一片混乱,我得坐下好好想一想。
  5. The job doesnt sound very exciting but Ill give it a whirl.这个工作听起来没什么意思,可是我还是要去试一试。


    whirl的基本意思是“使某人某物旋转、打转、回旋”。引申指“(头脑、知觉等)混乱不清”“异常兴奋”“头晕目眩”,强调旋转或转动的力量、速度或动力。 whirl既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。