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2024-02-20 11:44:17
美[waɪtbeɪt]  英[waɪtbeɪt]
n.  银鱼;小鲱鱼


  1. minnows or other small fresh- or saltwater fish (especially herring); usually cooked whole
  2. the edible young of especially herrings and sprats and smelts


  1. Head herring, whitebait Branch, a whitebait. 鲱目、银鱼科、银鱼属。
  2. Whitebait is a small fish, sea and fresh water are producing. 银鱼是小型鱼类,海淡水均有产。
  3. Products: Whitebait, crab, shrimp, freshwater fishes etc. 主要产品:银鱼、蚬肉、活蚬、蟹、青虾、淡水鱼类。
  4. Fishermen in the area said it looked like whitebait. 现场捕鱼者说有点像银鱼。
  5. Cooked white goods such as silver, so theres whitebait said. 熟品洁白如银,故有银鱼之称。
  6. Spring and Autumn Period, whitebait in Taihu Lake on the rich. 春秋战国时期,太湖就盛产银鱼。