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2024-02-20 11:50:16
美[waɪtˌfɪʃ]  英[waɪtfɪʃ]
n.  鳟鱼的一种;白色的鱼


  1. any market fish--edible saltwater fish or shellfish--except herring
  2. flesh of salmon-like or trout-like cold-water fish of cold lakes of the northern hemisphere
  3. silvery herring-like freshwater food fish of cold lakes of the northern hemisphere


  1. A small whitefish(Coregonus vandesius) of Scotland. 苏格兰白鲑苏格兰的一种小型白鲑(苏格兰白鲑)
  2. Holiday Inn Express Whitefish : Book Direct. Click Here. 现在就可以拿到绝佳的价钱!
  3. Over smoked whitefish and bagels, they paged through family photos. 他们一边薰烤着白鲑和百吉圈,一边一页页翻看家人的照片。
  4. I dont want to take a risk stepping on 2.5" ice for whitefish. 这里有没有冰钓白鱼和碧古的高手?
  5. Lake Tai is famous for its bounty of white shrimp, whitebait, and whitefish. 太湖以盛产白虾、银鱼和白鲑而闻名。
  6. A closely related whitefish(C.gracilior)of the Lake District of England. 英格兰白鲑英格兰湖泊地区的一种极其相近的白鲑(英格兰白鲑)