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2024-02-20 11:57:16
美[waɪtnəs]  英[waɪtnəs]
n.  白;苍白;洁白


  1. the quality or state of the achromatic color of greatest lightness (bearing the least resemblance to black)
  2. the state of being unsullied by sin or moral wrong; lacking a knowledge of evil
  3. lightness or fairness of complexion;

    "only the whiteness of her cheeks gave any indication of the stress from which she was suffering"


  1. A shefiends whiteness under her rancid rags.她那件酸臭破烂的衣衫下面,是魔女般的白皙肌肤。
  2. It was plain, made of dark wool, accentuating the whiteness of his skin and hair.在平纹织的黑毛羊料子做的长袍的映衬下,他的皮肤和头发被衬托得更白。
  3. Sharon was envious of the brightness of Marys blond hair and the whiteness of her skin.雪伦羡慕玛丽闪光的金发和洁白的皮肤。
  4. I want to feel my bare feet on the cool whiteness of my kitchen floor, and the soft blueness of my bedroom carpet.我想赤脚感受厨房地板的凉爽洁白,还有卧室地毯的柔软蔚蓝。