2024-02-20 12:44:16
adv. 卫生地;有益健康地
- in a wholesome manner;
"the papers we found shed some valuable light on this question, wholesomely contradicting all lies"
- The papers we found shed some valuable light on this question,wholesomely contradicting all lies. 我们发现的这些资料把问题清楚地显现了出来,有利于反驳所有的谎言。
- The guitars, synth riffs and percussion on the album have a big ‘80s feel that is both wholesomely dirty and good fun in a white knuckle way. 第一次牵她手,心里没有激动,也没有更多的成就感,好像是一对分隔了千年的恋人重新走到一起,每一个动作,每一个笑容都那么熟悉而自然。
- the papers we found shed some valuable light on this question, wholesomely contradicting all lies. 我们发现的这些资料把问题清楚地显现了出来,有利于反驳所有的谎言。
- This was so wholesom advice, and lookd so friendly, that Icould not but be convincd it was the best course Icould take 船长的建议确实是一个万全良策,且出于真诚的友谊。我深信,这简直是一个万无一失的办法。