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2024-02-20 14:11:17
美[wɪglə]  英[wɪglə]
n.  摇摆的人;蠕动的东西;孑孓


  1. one who cant stay still (especially a child);

    "the toddler was a real wiggler on plane trips"

  2. larva of a mosquito
  3. terrestrial worm that burrows into and helps aerate soil; often surfaces when the ground is cool or wet; used as bait by anglers


  1. A toddler who was a real wiggler on plane trips. 学步儿童是飞机旅行中一个真正摆动的人
  2. A pulsed current solenoid wiggler[J]. 引用该论文 严祖祺.
  3. A Tapered Wiggler with Pre}ncreased Magnetic Field[J]. 引用该论文 黄羽;王明常;王之江.
  4. The alignment error and positioning precision of the wiggler are analyzed. 对超导扭摆磁铁准直的误差和精度进行了分析。
  5. The results forms are similar to those in the linear polarized magnet wiggler. 上述结果与平面磁摇摆器有类似的形式。
  6. A small-period wiggler free-electron laser simulation and design[J]. 引用该论文 封碧波;王明常;王之江.