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2024-02-20 14:20:17
美[wɪlkoʊ]  英[wɪlkəʊ]
int.  照辨(通讯用语)


  1. Descend to 750m, cleared visual approach runway 02L, wilco UPS70. 可以目视进近,跑道02L,下到750米,三五边转弯报告。
  2. Heading 210, descending to 1500m, visual approach runway 20L, wilco CSN3102. 左转航向210,下到1500,雷达引导进行20L跑道目视进近,目视20L跑道报告。
  3. "Wilco" works well as a query because the band has just released a new album, but many other queries would return no results. 当你搜索某些关键词时会一无所获。
  4. Marine: "Wilco, over and out." 陆战队员:“照办,完毕。”
  5. - Roger wilco! 收到,照办!