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2024-02-20 14:21:16
美[waɪld]  英[waɪld]
adj.  野生的;野蛮的;未开发的;狂热的
adv.  胡乱地;失去控制地
n.  荒野;荒地
  副词:wildly  比较级:wilder  最高级:wildest  名词:wildness


  1. 野生的,野的
  2. 狂暴的,猛烈的,狂乱的
  3. 任性的
  4. 无人烟的,荒凉的,荒野的,没人住的
  5. 无法无天的
  6. 狂风暴雨的
  7. 野蛮的,野性的
  8. 未开化的
  9. 放荡的
  10. 未驯养的
  11. 未耕作的,完全自然的
  12. 波涛汹涌的
  1. 胡乱地
  2. 狂暴地,猛烈地
  3. 无控制地,失去控制地
  4. 轻率地
  1. 荒野,荒地
  2. 未开发的地方,未开化的地方,未开垦的土地
  3. 自然界,自然环境
  4. 野生状态
  5. 偏远地区,人烟稀少的地区
  1. 野生


  1. 野生的,野性的 living or growing in natural conditions and having natural qualities, not bred, grown, or produced by humans
  2. 凶猛的,不驯服的 (of a person or animal) violent and uncontrollable
  3. 强烈的,狂暴的 (of natural forces) violent, strong
  4. 狂热的,发怒的,疯狂的 showing strong uncontrolled feelings
  5. 荒芜的 (of place) natural; without the presence of man, especially because too cold, rocky, etc. to live in


  1. a wild primitive state untouched by civilization;

    "he lived in the wild" "they collected mushrooms in the wild"

  2. a wild and uninhabited area left in its natural condition;

    "it was a wilderness preserved for the hawks and mountaineers"

  1. marked by extreme lack of restraint or control;

    "wild talk" "wild parties"

  2. in a natural state; not tamed or domesticated or cultivated;

    "wild geese" "edible wild plants"

  3. in a state of extreme emotion;

    "wild with anger" "wild with grief"

  4. deviating widely from an intended course;

    "a wild bullet" "he threw a wild pitch"

  5. (of colors or sounds) intensely vivid or loud;

    "a violent clash of colors" "her dress was a violent red" "a violent noise" "wild colors" "wild shouts"

  6. without a basis in reason or fact;

    "baseless gossip" "the allegations proved groundless" "idle fears" "unfounded suspicions" "unwarranted jealousy"

  7. talking or behaving irrationally;

    "a raving lunatic"

  8. involving risk or danger;

    "skydiving is a hazardous sport" "extremely risky going out in the tide and fog" "a wild financial scheme"

  9. fanciful and unrealistic; foolish;

    "a fantastic idea of his own importance"

  10. located in a dismal or remote area; desolate;

    "a desert island" "a godforsaken wilderness crossroads" "a wild stretch of land" "waste places"

  11. intensely enthusiastic about or preoccupied with;

    "crazy about cars and racing" "he is potty about her"

  12. without civilizing influences;

    "barbarian invaders" "barbaric practices" "a savage people" "fighting is crude and uncivilized especially if the weapons are efficient" "wild tribes"

  13. (of the elements) as if showing violent anger;

    "angry clouds on the horizon" "furious winds" "the raging sea"

  1. in an uncontrolled and rampant manner;

    "weeds grew rampantly around here"

  2. in a wild or undomesticated manner;

    "growing wild" "roaming wild"


  1. wild animals野兽
  2. wild fellow放荡之徒
  3. wild flowers野花
  4. wild horses野马
  5. wild mountain荒山
  6. wild price fluctuations行市的狂涨暴跌
  7. wild scenery荒凉的景色
  8. wild scheme草率的计划
  9. wild tribes野蛮的部落
  1. drive sb wild激怒某人
  2. get wild with rage狂怒
  3. get wild with wine发酒疯
  4. grow wild荒芜了
  5. run wild荒芜了
  1. wild about对…狂热的
  2. wild about music酷爱音乐
  3. wild over对…狂热的
  4. wild with因…而发怒的
  5. wild with anger狂怒的
  6. wild with anxiety焦急万分
  7. wild with delight欣喜若狂
  8. wild with enthusiasm热情奔放
  9. wild with excitement欣喜若狂
  10. wild with joy欣喜若狂


  1. In nature, all animals are wild and free.在自然界,一切动物都是野生的,自由自在的。
  2. North America has the worlds best climate for wild grapes.北美的气候是世界上最适合野生葡萄生长的。
  3. I was living like a wild child.我的行为像个野蛮的孩子。
  4. Nothing is sacred to these wild youths.这些狂野的年轻人什么都不尊重。
  5. He is wild to see the film star.他一心想见一面那位影星。
  1. You cant make wild accusations like that!你不能这样胡乱地指责别人。
  1. Danger in the wild comes from the carnivores.荒野地带的危险来自食肉动物。
  2. Theres a wild stretch of land behind the house.房子后面有一大片荒地。
  3. The village people are planting trees to turn the wild into a beautiful garden.村民们植树要把荒地变成美丽的花园。


    wild的基本意思“野生的,野性的,野蛮的”,指在自然条件下生活,有自然的特性或指未开化的,作此解时,没有比较级和最高级。wild还可表示“凶猛的,不驯服的”“易受惊的,不易接近的”等,用于指地方,可表示“荒芜的,荒凉的”。 wild还可表示“强烈的,狂暴的”,指自然力的强烈,用于比喻可指“狂热的,发怒的,疯狂的,热衷于…的”,指人的感情强烈。 wild还可作“极急切的”解,后面可接动词不定式,用于非正式场合。 wild在句中多用作定语,有时也可用作表语。