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2024-02-20 14:36:16
美[waɪldli]  英[waɪldli]
adv.  狂热地;激动地;剧烈地;轻率地;鲁莽地


  1. to an extreme or greatly exaggerated degree;

    "the storyline is wildly unrealistic"

  2. in an uncontrolled or unrestrained manner;

    "He gesticulated wildly"

  3. with violent and uncontrollable passion;

    "attacked wildly, slashing and stabbing over and over"


  1. The spectators applauded wildly.观众拼命地鼓掌。
  2. Sometimes people will clap wildly after you dance.有时候,你跳完舞后人们会疯狂地鼓掌。
  3. Im afraid I forgot myself and kissed him wildly.当时我有些忘乎所以,疯狂地吻著他。
  4. Her magnanimity provoked his tears, he wept wildly.她的宽宏大量惹起他的眼泪
  5. The fans poured out of the stadium, cheering wildly.体育爱好者们欣喜若狂地从体育场中蜂涌而出。
  6. The plane had begun to drop and flounder wildly.飞机已经开始下降,剧烈地颠簸着。
  7. The boat rocked wildly, hurling him into the water.船剧烈地晃动起来,把他抛入水中。
  8. The plane veered wildly.那架飞机乱改航线。
  9. Somebody wildly suggested dynamiting it.有人竟然轻率地主张炸开它。
  10. He lunged wildly at his opponent.他疯狂地扑向对手。
  11. He lost his temper and struck out wildly.他大发脾气,疯狂地出手打人。