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2024-02-20 15:28:16
美[wɪntʃmən]  英[wɪntʃmən]
n.  绞车手


  1. A winchman is lowered from a rescue helicopter to check flooded buildings in Evesham, central England, July 21, 2007. 一名救援人员从直升机垂下的绳索中检视英国伊夫舍姆受水灾影响的地区。
  2. The tallymens stand-by was not due to the unskilled handling of the winchman but to the breakdown of the winch. 理货员待时不是由于绞车手操作不熟,而是因为绞车坏了。
  3. I saw your winchman not operating the winch gear by gear. He is liable for the accident. 我看见你们的绞车手跳档操作起货机。他要对事故负责。
  4. All our winchman are well trained and skilledskilfulproficientpracticed in handling winches. 我们所有绞车手都训练有素,能熟练操作起货机。