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2024-02-20 15:49:17
美[wɪndˌflaʊə]  英[wɪndˌflaʊə]
n.  白头翁


  1. any woodland plant of the genus Anemone grown for its beautiful flowers and whorls of dissected leaves


  1. Yes ,there is a “windflower” in every youngs heart. 是啊,每个年轻的心中不都有那样一朵美丽的“风飞花吗?
  2. From the poem, I am deeply feeling that windflower is the most beautiful thing which we should not touch. (听完诗歌,我深切的感受到“风飞花”是如此的美丽,我们不应该轻易的去碰它。
  3. I can feel you are a good girl,but just like a windflower to me,I am afriad to near to you to make you disppear in the wind. 我能感觉到你是个好女孩,但是对于我来说你就像一个水中之花一样要不可及!我害怕自己接近你时,你会消失在水中!
  4. A couple of Windflower means living a long life and reaching old age together, it Makes up with peony presenting the rich and powerful till old age, namely the rich and powerful all ones life. 和牡丹组合则寓富贵白头,即终生富贵之意。牡丹亦常和竹(代表平安)、石(代表长寿)、兰组合表达人们健康长寿,平安富贵的愿望。
  5. Tianjin Windflower Musical Instrument Co., LTD 天津市万德弗劳乐器有限责任公司
  6. Recent situation in research of the Windflower Decoction 白头翁汤研究近况