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2024-02-20 15:55:16
美[wɪndˌdʒæmə]  英[wɪndˌdʒæmə]
n.  帆船;帆船船员;饶舌的人


  1. a large sailing ship


  1. Hotel Windjammer : Book online and save up to 30%. 在网上预定您在欧洲的旅馆.
  2. The windjammer beats along the coast. 帆船沿岸边逆风行驶。
  3. I can see a windjammer on the horizon. 我看到海平线上有一艘大帆船。
  4. Hundreds of people lined thewaterfront to cheer the award-winning windjammer. 海旁有数以百计的市民列队欢迎,向这艘载誉归来船员热烈欢呼。
  5. Whether its the outstanding cuisine in the main dining room, fresh sushi at Jade, or the casual convenience of the Windjammer Cafe, we have the dining experience youre looking for. 提供精致美味的餐饮服务,包括新鲜的寿司、休閒便利的咖啡厅,以及您所想要的餐饮服务。
  6. Windjammer Bar &Grill is a new generation venue developed with the guest in mind.Created by international designers Windjammer aims to immerse patrons in a unique ocean setting theme. 这家新生代的聚会场所其主导是以客为尊,由国际设计师设计的拉风吧期望能将客人带到独出心裁的海洋环境。