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2024-02-20 18:03:16
美[wɪrə]  英[wɪərə]
int.  <爱尔兰>[表示痛苦、悲哀或关心]哎哟


  1. Many people might know that Dongguan peoples attitude toward life and friends was quite similar with the life philosophy advocated by Wirra Wirra. 东莞人对生活的享受、对朋友的热情与威拿倡导的生活哲学如出一辙,这晚完全是美酒生活的绝佳体现!
  2. In the aborgine language, Wirra Wirra means “place of happiness”. Let us meet at Aussino Cellar and for the happy life, cheers! 威拿庄)是澳洲的土著语,其意为“欢聚之地”。让我们也相约一起,欢聚于富隆天河北酒窖!为了美好的生活,干杯!
  3. In the aborgine language, Wirra Wirra means “place of happiness”. Let us meet at Aussino and for the happy life, cheers! 威拿庄)是澳洲的土著语,其意为“欢聚之地”。让我们也相约一起,欢聚于富隆!为了美好的生活,干杯!
  4. Elegant multi-function hall, melodious piano and violin performance and pleasing Wirra Wirra dinner, together entertained the wine and food lovers in the romantic city Dalian. 雅致的富丽华多功能厅,婉转悠扬的钢琴小提琴协奏音乐,来自南澳省欢聚之地的威拿庄园晚宴,在大连这个浪漫之都一起迎接滨城的美酒美食爱好者们。
  5. At dinner, the owner of Wirra Wirra introduced each wine for the guests in detail, from which we could feel the unique enthusiasm and vigor of Australia. 远道而开的威拿庄庄主详细地为大家介绍当晚的每一款酒,带来了澳洲特有的热情和奔放。
  6. It also gathers most of the top Australian wines, among which Wirra Wirra is an outstanding one.It is our honor to have the winery owner with us at the tasting, sharing their stories and wines. 本次品鉴会的主角是麦罗仑谷的顶级名庄威拿庄,届时,酒庄负责人将亲临现场,与您一起领略这片土地的独特之处,分享酒庄从1894年建园至今的成名经历,品尝数款精品佳酿。