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2024-02-20 18:19:16
美[wɪʃfəlɪ]  英[wɪʃfəlɪ]
adv.  渴望地;希望地


  1. in a wishful manner;

    "he wishfully indulged in dreams of fame"


  1. Many parents wishfully think their only child is a child prodigy. 回教徒归主者往往因家人及族群的敌视而面对庞大的压力。
  2. And you wishfully believe the seed of western democary will grow in that soil. 你们只是一厢情愿地相信民主会在那样的土壤中发芽生长。
  3. To enhance the efficiency of applications and improve the performance of IP network, ISPs resort to IP Multicast technologies wishfully. 组播技术实现了IP网络中点到多点的高效数据传送,提高了应用程序的效率、改善了网络的性能。
  4. Many parents wishfully think their only child is a child prodigy.Education experts say 90% of these children are merely normal kids. 教育专家却指出,这样做不但忽略了孩子们的兴趣发展,也抹杀了他们的主动性。
  5. His end finally know that if wishfully believe love to can replace everything, that is a Qian donkey to exhaust all tricks forever. 他最后终于知道,如果一厢情愿地相信爱情可以代替一切,那永远是黔驴技穷。
  6. Wishfully expecting a great leap in agricultural productivity from collectivization,the Chinese government accelerated its aggressive industrialization timetable. 寄希望于农村集体合作社能够带来农业生产率的大跃进,中国政府加速了工业化的进程。