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2024-02-20 18:23:17
美[wɪspi]  英[wɪspi]
adj.  小束的;细微的;模糊的


  1. thin and weak;

    "a wispy little fellow with small hands and feet"

  2. lacking clarity or distinctness;

    "a dim figure in the distance" "only a faint recollection" "shadowy figures in the gloom" "saw a vague outline of a building through the fog" "a few wispy memories of childhood"


  1. A wisp of hair had escaped from under her hat. 一绺头发从她的帽下露出来。
  2. A wisp of hair straggled across her ear. 一束头发散落在她耳朵上。
  3. A small wisp or tuft,as of wool or cotton. 一束或一簇,如羊毛或棉花
  4. A small wisp or tuft, as of wool or cotton. 一束或一簇,如羊毛或棉花
  5. Groaning in a depressed, low, wispy way. 声声低抑而飘渺的叹息。
  6. A wisp of gray hair sticks out from under her hat. 一绺灰白头发从她的帽子下露了出来。