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2024-02-20 18:24:16
美[wɪst]  英[wɪst]
vt.  <古>知道
sp.  动词wit的过去式和过去分词


  1. He gave me a taste of his acid wit. 他让我尝到了他敏锐尖刻之机智的滋味。
  2. I was swept off my feet by her wit and charm. 她才貌双全,我佩服得五体投地。
  3. He was dazzled by her beauty and wit. 她聪明貌美使他为之神魂颠倒。
  4. The audience rose to his verve and wit. 观众为他那富于才华和机智的表演喝彩欢呼。
  5. These letters revealed her wit and civilization. 这些信流露出她的教养和才华。
  6. I like his serious style leavened with wit. 我喜欢他的带点诙谐的严肃文体。