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2024-02-20 20:01:17
美[wʊlfrəmˌaɪt]  英[wʊlfrəmaɪt]
n.  钨锰铁矿;铁锰重石;黑钨矿


  1. a mineral consisting of iron and manganese tungstate in crystalline form; the principal ore of tungsten; found in quartz veins associated with granitic rocks


  1. The hunter walked slowly in the forest, followed by his wolframite. 猎人在森林里慢慢地走着,后面跟着他的狼狗。
  2. However, the Xintianling granite contains magmatic scheelite and wolframite. 后者则以出现岩浆白钨矿和黑钨矿为特征。
  3. Thermodynamic analysis shows that wolframite not only can be decompo. 热力学分析结果表明:黑钨矿既可以被酸分解,又可以被碱分解。
  4. The exploration on the deep and around of wolframite mine must act according to the geological regularities. 必须根据地质规律开展黑钨矿山的深部和周边找矿。
  5. Reserved resources of scheelite and wolframite and their distribution in China are presented in this paper. 介绍了我国黑、白钨矿资源的保有储量及其分布,分析了钨矿资源的开发利用现状。
  6. Yaoling mine in a middle scale wolframite deposit in the Nanling tungsten and tin mineralization area. 粤北地处南岭钨锡成矿带的西南部,区内已发现众多规模大小不同的矿床(点),组成了著名的钨矿化集中区。