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2023-12-01 01:10:17
美[dɑːnəl]  英[dɑːnəl]
n.  毒麦;黑麦草


  1. weedy annual grass often occurs in grainfields and other cultivated land; seeds sometimes considered poisonous


  1. Bali, P.Conrad and M. Darnel is thereby extended. Ball; P.;Conradand M
  2. There he had dug quite a deep hole for dog darnel; and had set a mole trap. 在那里,他为了挖取犬毒麦而掘了个挺深的洞;然后安置了一个捕鼹鼠器。
  3. We know this and the Lord himself told us so: it is a net with good fish and bad fish, a field with wheat and darnel. 上主也曾亲自说:教会是一张装有好鱼和坏鱼的鱼网,也是一块长有麦子和莠子的田地。
  4. Well then, just as the darnel is gathered up and burnt in the fire, so it will be at the end of time. 世界末日时也将如此。
  5. It is actually consoling to realize that there is darnel in the Church.In this way, despite all our defects, we can still hope to be counted among the disciples of Jesus, who came to call sinners. 令我们安慰的是,虽然教会里面存在著莠子,尽管我们即使满身缺失,也敢于希望被列于耶稣的门徒之中,因为祂所召叫的正是罪人。
  6. There are some filamentous endophytic fungi living in darnel (L. temulentum) and producing temuline which results in the nerve system poisoning or death of human being and livestocks. )内也存在丝状内生真菌,产生毒麦碱,引起人和动物神经系统中毒,严重的甚至会死亡,同时能诱发部分黑麦草属植物发生盲种病。