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2024-02-20 20:41:16
美[wɑːŋki]  英[wɒŋki]
adj.  动摇的;靠不住的;不稳的;错误的
  比较级:wonkier  最高级:wonkiest


  1. turned or twisted toward one side;

    "a...youth with a gorgeous red necktie all awry" "his wig was, as the British say, skew-whiff"

  2. inclined to shake as from weakness or defect;

    "a rickety table" "a wobbly chair with shaky legs" "the ladder felt a little wobbly" "the bridge still stands though one of the arches is wonky"


  1. The bridge still stands though one of the arches is wonky.桥虽然竖立在那,但有一个拱门却是摇晃的。
  2. A new study found that headphone ear buds can make pacemaker a bit wonky.一份最新的研究报告指出入耳式耳塞可能影响心脏起搏器的正常功能。
  3. The only potential hiccup is his wonky pinkie.唯一的隐患是他脆弱的小手指。
  4. She still feels a bit wonky after her accident.她出了事故以后仍然觉得有些虚弱.
  5. Im not crossing that bridge. It looks pretty wonky.我不会从那个桥过的。它看起来很不稳。