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2024-02-20 20:57:16
美[wʊdˌtʃɒpə]  英[wʊdtʃɒpə]
n.  伐木者


  1. A passing woodchopper heard her screams and saved her. 一个路过的樵夫听到了她的尖叫声,救了她。
  2. The woodchopper reproched the fox why it did not make any thanks for his help. 樵夫责备狐狸,说自己救了他一命,一点谢意都不表示。
  3. This one chip contains inscribed on it the whole history of the woodchopper and of the world. 这么一块小木片,记录了那个樵夫的一生,也记载了世界的历史。
  4. This going from one thing to the next and never really achieving your goal of going from beginner Forex trader to profitable trader is the woodchopper. The 伍德乔珀研磨了最初学者外汇交易之前,他们甚至使他们的第一个交易货币一分钱。还有很多人放弃后,浪费很多时间和金钱。不要让这发生在你身上。
  5. A fox who was escaping to evade the hunters happened to meet a woodchopper .It asked him for hidiung out.The woodchopper admisted its requist and let is hide in his house . 狐狸为躲避猎人们追赶而逃窜,恰巧遇见了一个樵夫,便请求让他躲藏起来,樵夫叫狐狸去他的小屋里躲着。
  6. A woodchopper is cutting. 用现在进行时。