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2024-02-20 21:31:17
美[wʊdˌsaɪd]  英[wʊdsaɪd]
n.  树林的边缘;邻接树林的农村


  1. Oil company Woodside Petroleum shares fell 6%. 石油股伍德赛德石油公司股价下跌6%25。
  2. The Woodside petroleum company stock price falls 4%. 伍德赛德石油公司股价下跌4%25。
  3. Alexander Woodside analyzes the history of colonialism in Vietnam. AlexanderWoodside分析了越南的殖民地历史。
  4. Woodside declined to reveal the terms of the Browse deal. Woodside拒绝透露Browse交易的条款。
  5. Today, Lawrence Ellison has his principal home in Woodside, California. 今天,劳伦斯埃里森其主要伍德赛德家中,加利福尼亚州。
  6. More than half of the households in Atherton, Woodside and Los Altos Hills have at least three cars. 加州阿瑟顿市、伍德塞市和南湾区有一半以上的人家拥有至少三部汽车。