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2024-02-20 21:55:16
美[wʊlˌgæðə]  英[wʊlgæðə]
vi.  心不在焉;胡思乱想
  名词:woolgatherer  过去式:woolgathered  过去分词:woolgathered  现在分词:woolgathering  第三人称单数:woolgathers


  1. have a daydream; indulge in a fantasy


  1. This is my unconstrained woolgather, some are true, some are false. 天马行空的胡思乱想,有真有假。
  2. Just turn on the radio,listen to the music and dont woolgather. 只要打开收音机专心听音乐就行。
  3. Media test drive has always been unconstrained woolgather. 媒体试驾向来是天马行空,独往独来。
  4. Because I very want to go home, lead to woolgather,I now hate oneself,why can not control ? 最近一直在压抑自己的心情,把所有的不快都憋在心里,真的好难受,好想站在高处,痛哭一场,把所有的烦恼、压力通通抛到脑后。
  5. Dont woolgather. 别胡思乱想啦。
  6. It is the man who truly loves you: he always tells you not to woolgather, because he is planning the most beautiful and true future for you, and let you wait for his surprise at ease. 同时让你无忧无虑地等待他要给你的惊喜。