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2024-02-20 22:10:17
美[wʊlɪ]  英[wʊlɪ]
adj.  羊毛的
n.  毛线衫
sp.  =woolly.


  1. having a fluffy character or appearance
  2. confused and vague; used especially of thinking;

    "muddleheaded ideas" "your addled little brain" "woolly thinking" "woolly-headed ideas"

  3. covered with dense often matted or curly hairs;

    "woolly lambs"


  1. Can you allow for wooly underneath ? 你可以把衣服做得里面可以穿毛衣吗?
  2. Can you allow for wooly underneath? 你可以把衣服做得里面可以穿毛衣吗?
  3. Things are getting more and more wild and wooly here. 这儿的一切越来越激动人心了。
  4. I like the feel of this cloth;it has a warm wooly feel. 我喜欢这块布的手感,它摸上去毛茸茸的很暖和。
  5. Instead, the job is done by 40 cute, little vealy wooly lambs. 工作被40头可爱的小绵羊给代替完成。
  6. Instead, the job is done by 40 cute, little woolley wooly lambs. 取而代之的是40只可爱的毛茸茸的羊羔。