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2024-02-20 22:16:17
美[wuːzi]  英[wuːzi]
adj.  糊里糊涂的;头昏的
  副词:woozily  比较级:woozier  最高级:wooziest  名词:wooziness


  1. having or causing a whirling sensation; liable to falling;

    "had a dizzy spell" "a dizzy pinnacle" "had a headache and felt giddy" "a giddy precipice" "feeling woozy from the blow on his head" "a vertiginous climb up the face of the cliff"


  1. My head was woozy from hitting the ground. 我的头因撞着了地面而眩晕。
  2. I feel a little woozy, but basically okay. 我头有点晕,不过还好。
  3. He was woozy from a blow on the head. 他被当头一击而打蒙。
  4. I feel dizzy and woozy, and my heart is racing. 我觉得头昏眼花、心跳加速。
  5. I was dizzy and woozy, and my heart was racing. 中译)我觉得头晕目眩,然后我的心跳很快。
  6. Coma Guy: Uh, a little woozy, but basically okay. 昏迷男人:嗯,有点虚弱,不过基本正常。