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2024-02-20 22:21:17
美[wɜːdˌbʊk]  英[wɜːdbʊk]
n.  字典集;字典;歌词集


  1. a reference book containing words (usually with their meanings)


  1. The wordbook helps students of ancient Chinese vividly understand the meaning of ancient Chinese words. 字书让学古汉语的学生更生动的理解古文中某些字的含义。
  2. Run-Length Encoding(RLE) is a simple method of image compression based on wordbook,yet it is inefficient on the compression of some specific images. 摘要 行程编码是一种简单的基于字典的图像压缩技术,但它本身存在着对某类图像不能有效压缩的缺陷。
  3. Based on analysis of LZ77 compression algorithm, this paper discusses the effect of input error codes to the decoding wordbook and decompression data, and researches error code transmission issue. 分析了主流的LZ77算法编译码原理,讨论了输入误码对译码字典和解压数据的影响,研究了误码传播问题。
  4. I think the official website of Wordbook offers a free Windows version of the dictioarny but you must first be a legitimate registered owner of a PPC version of the software, bummer! 我英文打字速度可以达到一分钟55个字左右,所以用汉语拼音输入非常的方便,就没有兴趣去念字根慢慢学五笔了。
  5. He always take a mini wordbook with himself. 他总是随身携带一本袖珍字典。
  6. names in wordbook [计] 当前工作表中的名称