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2024-02-20 22:22:16
美[wɜːdəlɪ]  英[wɜːdəlɪ]
adv.  唠叨地;罗唆地;多言地


  1. in a verbose manner;

    "she explained her ideas verbosely"


  1. For the first time in his life, he must spread himself wordily. 有生以来,他还是第一次想卖弄一下口才。
  2. When we find we have become tainted with wordily things, we also must ask forgiveness and seek atonement. 当我们发现自己被世俗的事所污染,我们也必须寻求上帝的赦免和饶恕。
  3. I wordily how to more importance is the hope that we can set to the PS. Because it is very practical. 我啰嗦了怎么多就是希望大家能够重视给PS套。因为这是很实用的。
  4. But I was late for work this afternoon because my son planned to go skating and I wordily told him about the safe items! 可是,今天下午我上班迟到了,因为儿子计划去滑冰,我在唠唠叨叨地嘱咐儿子有关安全事项呢!
  5. An idealistic, almost Utopian document, it defines Bolivia, wordily, as “a United Social State of Plurinational Communitarian Law”. 这份带有空想性质的,近乎乌托邦主义的文件,它给“玻利维亚”啰嗦地下了“一个以社会法为基准的联合的社会国家”的定义。
  6. He is pleased to have said "lifted", thinking it sounds more wordily than stole or took or even ripped off 他很得意地说“摸走”,他觉得这个字眼比“偷走”、“盗走”,甚至“掏走”,听上去更加贴切。