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2024-02-20 22:54:16
美[wɜːrkɪŋ]  英[wɜːkɪŋ]
adj.  做工作的;劳动的;工作上的;初步的;暂定的;基本够用的;起作用的
n.  矿;作业区
sp.  (复)workings:运作;工作方法.


  1. (有)工作的,有职业的,劳动的,做工的,工作上的,从事体力劳动的
  2. 操作的,操纵用的(部件),用于启动的(部件)
  3. 有效的,可行的
  4. 足够多数的
  5. 经营的
  6. 工作时间的,公事上的
  7. 初步的,暂定的
  8. 尚可应付工作的,基本够用的
  1. 工作,劳动
  2. 运转,运作
  3. 巷道
  4. 加工,制作
  5. 活动
  6. 操纵,操作
  7. 经营
  8. 开采
  9. 采石场
  10. 作用
  11. 工作方法
  12. 作业,作业区
  13. 维护
  14. 驾驶


  1. a mine or quarry that is being or has been worked
  1. actively engaged in paid work;

    "the working population" "the ratio of working men to unemployed" "a working mother" "robots can be on the job day and night"

  2. adequate for practical use; especially sufficient in strength or numbers to accomplish something;

    "the party has a working majority in the House" "a working knowledge of Spanish"

  3. adopted as a temporary basis for further work;

    "a working draft" "a working hypothesis"

  4. (of e.g. a machine) performing or capable of performing;

    "in running (or working) order" "a functional set of brakes"

  5. serving to permit or facilitate further work or activity;

    "discussed the working draft of a peace treaty" "they need working agreements with their neighbor states on interstate projects"


  1. The meeting must be held at a time convenient for working mothers.会议召开的时间必须便于有孩子的女工参加。
  2. He expresses sympathy for the working people.他表现了对劳动人民的同情。
  3. She was still dressed in her working clothes.她还穿著工作服呢。
  4. Have you decided on a working title for your thesis yet?你选了论文的暂定题目吗?
  5. She has a working knowledge of French.她的法语尚可应付工作。
  6. The Government has a working majority.政府(在议会中)掌握足够的多数(支持票)。
  1. The boys went exploring in some disused workings.那些男孩子到一些废弃的矿坑去探险。
  1. It was impossible to understand the workings of such a huge bureaucracy.要想了解这样庞大的官僚体系的运作情况是不可能的。