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2024-02-20 23:35:17
美[wɜːri]  英[wʌri]
vt.  撕咬;使烦恼;使焦虑
vi.  担心;发愁
n.  担心;烦恼;忧虑
  名词:worrier  名词复数:worries  过去式:worried  过去分词:worried  现在分词:worrying  第三人称单数:worries


  1. 担心,忧虑,发愁,操心
  2. 烦恼,苦恼
  3. 焦虑,不安,焦心
  4. 令人担忧的事,让人发愁的事, 伤脑筋的事
  5. 猎狗咬住猎获物
  6. 苦恼的根源
  7. 麻烦,难题
  8. 令人忧伤的人
  1. (使)担心,(使)担忧,(使)发愁,(使)烦恼
  2. 骚扰
  3. 使不安宁,(使)焦虑不安
  4. 折磨,咬着折磨
  5. 啮碎,撕咬
  6. 别担心,不必发愁,没关系
  7. 摇晃
  8. 撕扯,拉扯
  9. 思考(解决办法)
  10. 反覆拨弄
  11. 为…发愁,使伤脑筋
  12. 攻击
  13. 熬过,即使再困难也要度过


  1. vt. & vi. 担心,为…发愁 be anxious ( about )
  2. vt. & vi. (使)困扰,(使)烦恼 (cause to) be annoyed, anxious or upset
  1. [U] 烦恼,忧愁,忧虑 an uncomfortable feeling in the mind caused by a mixture of fear and uncertainty; anxiety
  2. [C] 令人忧伤的人或事 a person or thing that causes this feeling


  1. something or someone that causes anxiety; a source of unhappiness;

    "New York traffic is a constant concern" "its a major worry"

  2. a strong feeling of anxiety;

    "his worry over the prospect of being fired" "it is not work but worry that kills" "he wanted to die and end his troubles"

  1. be worried, concerned, anxious, troubled, or uneasy;

    "I worry about my job"

  2. be concerned with;

    "I worry about my grades"

  3. disturb the peace of mind of; afflict with mental agitation or distress;

    "I cannot sleep--my daughters health is worrying me"

  4. be on the mind of;

    "I worry about the second Germanic consonant shift"

  5. lacerate by biting;

    "the dog worried his bone"

  6. touch or rub constantly;

    "The old man worried his beads"


  1. worry children担心孩子
  2. worry examination担心考试
  3. worry parents担心父母
  4. worry pollution担心污染
  5. worry rain担心下雨
  1. worry abnormally异常担心
  2. worry blindly盲目地担心
  3. worry desperately绝望地担心
  4. worry entirely完全忧愁
  5. worry miserably辛酸地担心
  6. worry morbidly可怕地担心
  7. worry needlessly无必要地担心
  8. worry perpetually经常担心
  9. worry financially经济上忧愁
  10. worry fully十分忧愁
  11. worry futilely徒劳地担心
  12. worry incessantly持续不断地担心
  13. worry listlessly无精打采地担心
  14. worry mentally精神上忧愁
  15. worry needlessly不必要地担心
  16. worry nervously紧张地担心
  17. worry passionately急躁地忧愁
  18. worry physically身体上忧愁
  19. worry secretly秘密地忧愁
  20. worry superficially表面上忧愁
  21. worry universally普遍担心
  22. worry visibly明显地忧愁
  23. worry along设法应付下去,熬过去
  24. worry out绞尽脑汁解决,绞尽脑汁想出,耐心反复地询问〔请求〕而获得…
  25. worry through设法应付下去,熬过去,干完
  1. worry about对…的担忧
  2. worry over对…的担忧
  1. afflict with worry用烦恼的事折磨人
  2. bear worry忍受忧愁
  3. beset with worry忧虑重重
  4. betray worry显露出烦恼
  5. drown worry解忧愁
  6. endure a worry忍受一件烦恼事
  7. experience worry感到苦恼
  8. forget ones worry忘掉自己的烦恼
  9. have ones worry有许多烦恼事
  10. induce worry引起苦恼
  11. occasion worry引起烦恼
  12. relieve of worry解除忧愁
  13. share ones worry分担忧愁
  1. big worry很大的烦恼
  2. deep worry极其烦恼
  3. eternal worry无穷的烦恼
  4. financial -ries财务上的烦恼
  5. great worry巨大的烦恼
  6. household worry家庭烦恼
  7. little worry琐碎的烦恼
  8. manifold worry多方面的烦恼
  9. mental worry精神上的烦恼
  10. serious worry极其烦恼
  11. unreasonable worry无端的烦恼
  1. full of -ries充满苦恼


  1. The dog was worrying a rat.那条狗撕咬著一只老鼠。
  2. Dont worry her; she is busy.别去烦她,她很忙。
  3. The noise doesnt seem to worry them.这种嘈声好像并不影响他们。
  4. What worries me is how he will manage now his wifes died.他妻子死了
  5. Dont worry me with your complaints.不要老是抱怨,搞得我不太平。
  1. Dont worry if you cant finish it.你做不完也不必担心。
  2. Your parents are worrying about you: do write to them.你父母正担心你呢,快给他们写封信吧。
  3. Theres nothing to worry about.没什么可担心的。
  4. Dont worry about that mark, it will brush off.不要为那个污渍操心,那是可以刷得掉的。
  1. Worry and illness had made him prematurely old.他心事重重、 疾病缠身,落得个未老先衰。
  2. The mother of the kidnapped child was crazy with worry.那个被绑架的孩子的母亲担心得几乎发狂了。
  3. Hes been a source of discord and worry.他成为不和和烦恼的根源。
  4. He have a lot of financial worry at the moment.他现在有很多财务上的烦恼事。
  5. That car has caused me no end of worry.那辆汽车给我带来了无穷的烦恼。
  6. My chief worry is that he doesnt have experience.我的主要忧虑是他没有经验。
  7. Her tender looks seemed to smooth away his worry.她的温柔的神情似乎消除了他的忧虑。


    worry的基本意思是“(使)困扰,(使)烦恼”,指不停地非难、刺激以致破坏某人平静的心境或使其感到绝望或受挫,强调企图或效果。worry也可表示“担心,为…发愁”。 worry可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词、that/wh-从句作宾语,还可接以动词不定式或形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。worry可用于被动结构。
    worry用作名词的基本意思是“烦恼,忧愁,忧虑”,指因遭遇困难或不如意的事而苦闷,是不可数名词。 worry作一件件具体的“令人忧伤的人或事”解时是可数名词。


  1. 他们不用为钱发愁。

    They didnt have to worry for money.

    They didnt have to worry about money.

    表示“为…着急”或“为…发愁”,可以用worry about sth 的形式,这里的about不能用for代替。


    She had a worrying look on her face.

    She had a worried look on her face.

    形容词worried具有被动意义, worrying具有主动意义, a worried look on her face是“她脸上焦虑的表情”的意思,即她的worried look是由别的事情引起的,所以用worried而不用worrying。


    Im worried where he is.

    Im worried about where he is.

    be worried about后接宾语从句时,介词about不能省略。

  1. 她有许多烦心的事情。

    She has a lot of worry.

    She has a lot of worries.
