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2024-02-20 23:37:17
美[wɜːɪmənt]  英[wʌrɪmənt]
n.  烦恼;焦虑


  1. a difficulty that causes anxiety


  1. Who can disembarrass her of worriment? 谁能解除她的烦恼呢?
  2. Many people still have an confused understanding of food safety although much attention has been paid on it and some worriment has been brought by it. 食物安全问题虽然引起了人们的关注和忧虑,但是对食物安全的理解,许多人还是一个模糊的概念。
  3. Methods:35 patients in the test had been treated by granule for relieving worriment,and 34 in the control,treated by alprazolam. 方法:治疗组35例用抗郁冲剂治疗,对照组34例用阿普唑伦治疗。
  4. The fierce worriment of death and rebirth contributed to her only novel, The Bell Jar, in which she reproduced her private experience of adolescent depression and suicide behavior in this bildungsroman, anonymously. 关于死亡和再生的狂热焦虑促成了她此生唯一一部小说《钟罩》(The Bell Jar),她将自己隐私的青春期精神失常和关于尝试自杀的行为缩影在这部成长小说中。
  5. Results:The effect of granule for relieving worriment was better than that of alprazolam (P 结果:抗郁冲剂疗效优于阿普唑伦(P<0。01);治疗组不良反应少于对照组(P<0。01)。
  6. Infatuation and Worriment--An Interpretation of "Orient Complex" in the West 迷恋与焦虑--西方的"东方情结"试解