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2024-02-21 00:36:17
美[rek]  英[rek]
v.  使…失事;使…遇难;破坏
n.  遇难;残骸;破坏;(船)失事下沉
  过去式:wrecked  过去分词:wrecked  现在分词:wrecking  第三人称单数:wrecks


  1. 损害,破坏,毁坏,毁灭
  2. 使受挫,受到破坏
  3. 营救失事船,援救失事船,找拾失事船物件
  4. 失事,遇难,倾覆
  5. 败落,落魄
  6. 摧毁,折毁
  7. 使倒闭,使破产,使瓦解
  8. 使遇难,使(船舶)失事 ,使下沉
  9. 阻挠,挫败
  10. 摧残…的身体或精神
  11. 抢劫遇难船只
  1. 失事,遇难
  2. 残骸,失事船的残骸
  3. 破坏,毁坏,毁灭
  4. 船难事故
  5. 失事的船,遭难船
  6. 挫折
  7. <口>受严重损害的人,变得极瘦弱的人,失去健康的人
  8. 失事船物件
  9. 破毁物
  10. 落魄者


  1. vt. & vi. (使)失事,(使)遇难 cause (a ship, a plane, etc.) to be destroyed
  2. vt. & vi. (使)破坏 bring ruin upon (hopes, etc.)


  1. something or someone that has suffered ruin or dilapidation;

    "the house was a wreck when they bought it" "thanks to that quack I am a human wreck"

  2. an accident that destroys a ship at sea
  3. a serious accident (usually involving one or more vehicles);

    "they are still investigating the crash of the TWA plane"

  4. a ship that has been destroyed at sea
  1. smash or break forcefully;

    "The kid busted up the car"


  1. wreck a building毁坏建筑物
  2. wreck the car把汽车撞坏
  3. wreck equipment毁坏设备
  4. wreck the hotel把饭店毁掉
  5. wreck many houses破坏许多房屋
  6. wreck the lab毁坏实验室
  7. wreck the plans打破了计划
  8. wreck the ship船遇难
  9. wreck a stronghold摧毁堡垒
  10. wreck the whole life糟蹋一生
  1. wreck advisedly有意破坏
  2. wreck artfully狡猾地破坏
  3. wreck completely〔thoroughly〕彻底破坏
  4. wreck deliberately〔intentionally〕故意破坏
  5. wreck desperately充满危险地破坏
  6. wreck distinctly明显破坏
  7. wreck eventually终于破坏
  8. wreck gratuitously〔unreasonably〕无端地破坏
  9. wreck heartlessly无意地破坏
  10. wreck hideously令人惊骇地破坏
  11. wreck inconceivably难以置信地破坏
  12. wreck intermittently断断续续地破坏
  13. wreck madly疯狂地破坏
  14. wreck mercilessly〔ruthlessly〕无情地毁坏
  15. wreck momentarily顷刻之间地破坏
  16. wreck ostensibly表面上地破坏
  17. wreck partially使部分地毁坏
  18. wreck savagely野蛮地破坏
  19. wreck shamelessly无耻地破坏
  20. wreck spiritually心灵上破坏
  21. wreck threateningly毁灭性地破坏
  22. wreck totally使全部毁坏
  23. wreck treacherously背信弃义地破坏
  24. wreck unmercifully恶狠狠地破坏
  25. wreck wantonly肆意破坏


  1. The ship was wrecked on the rock.船在岩石上撞毁了。
  2. The train wrecked at midnight.这列火车半夜出轨了。
  3. His drinking wrecked their marriage.他的酗酒毁坏了他们的婚姻。
  4. Nobody can wreck the friendship between us.没有人能破坏我们之间的友谊。
  1. They save the cargo from the wreck.他们从遇难船上抢救出货物。
  2. They found the wreck of an old ship.他们找到了一条旧船的残骸。
  3. The house was a wreck when they bought it.他们买下那座房子时,房子受损严重。
  4. My father was a complete wreck after the illness.我父亲病后身体完全垮了。
  5. The hurricane caused many wrecks.飓风造成了许多船难。


    wreck用作名词时指失事的车、船、飞机或人等,也可指一次车祸、海难或空难。用作动词时意思是“(使)失事”,多指因风暴、相撞或某种暴力而使某物(如车船等交通工具等)毁坏或遭难。引申可表示为“(使)破坏”“遭残毁”,有时也可表示“炒蛋”“把(钞票)兑换成(等值的)硬币”等。 wreck既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接具体事物或抽象事物作宾语,可用于被动结构。用作不及物动词时,主动形式含有被动意义。