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2024-02-21 01:34:17
美  英
n.  供水点(武器系统计划;工作汽压)


  1. Note: Companion flange size connections are 125 lbs. WSP. 注:配对法兰尺寸连接是125磅WSP。
  2. There was significantly positive correlation between WSP content and viscosity. 水溶性戊聚糖含量与籽粒提取液黏度呈极显著正相关。
  3. WSP and TP were negatively correlated with cookie width,the correlation coefficients were-0.70 and-0.69,respectively. 水溶性戊聚糖和总戊聚糖含量与饼干直径的相关皆达1%25的显著水平;相关系数分别为-0.;70和-0
  4. The gene wsp , encoding Wolbachia outer membrane protein, was cloned and sequenced. 克隆了编码Wolbachia外膜蛋白质的wsp基因并进行了序列测定 .
  5. Students can enjoy and gain access to WSP financial executive recrutment and career counselling services. 凡在WSP就读的学生均可享受WSP提供的专业会计就业咨询及就业机会。
  6. The operation principles and features of the mechanical WSP and computer controlled WSP are described. 介绍了机械式防滑器和微机控制防滑器的作用原理及特点,探讨了我国快速货车使用防滑器的可行性。