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2024-02-21 01:35:17
美  英
abbr.  World Trade Center;美国世界贸易中心


  1. twin skyscrapers 110 stories high in New York City; built 1368 feet tall in 1970 to 1973; destroyed by a terrorist attack on September 11, 2001


  1. WTC Enhancement of DDL V Production Logging System. DDL-V WTC仪的改进
  2. What style was the WTC? Who knows architecture? 世贸中心是什么风格?谁了解其建筑?
  3. Will the WTC become a belated icon? To what? 世贸中心会变成迟到的像征吗?是什么的像征?
  4. Do you think the WTC is a more resonant icon? Why? 你认为世贸中心是更会引起共鸣的标志吗?为什么?
  5. Where Was President Bush When Jets Were Slamming into WTC? 飞机撞击世贸中心时,布什总统在哪儿?
  6. Although it was 1040 feet in the sky, the WTC was quite steady. 尽管这是空中1040英尺的高处,世贸中心仍稳如泰山。