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2024-02-21 01:55:17
美  英
n.  工作电压


  1. a state in east central United States


  1. Im very tire too.. what happen wv u there? 晚些,你又说刚到家,头非常痛。。
  2. When WV transports emergency rations of food to camps, they also drill wells. 世界展望会把救援粮食配给送到难民营时,他们也会开凿水井。
  3. WV Taiwan has a project in Moyale district. it was quite something!... 从肯亚首都奈络比飞到北部边境要花上三个多小时,坐在机长旁纪录一切!
  4. Means of Vmean, Vmax, Vmin and DP were significantly decreased but Wv, Rv, Zcv, Dr and Cp were inc... 结论卒中发病一周内脑血管血液动力学积分值降低,各项检测指标均有明显的改变。
  5. By now, there are 80 relief and development projects of WV in China, covering 14 provinces, cities and municipalities. 现时,宣明会在中国的救灾及扶贫发展项目约 80 个,遍布 14 个省、市、自治区。