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2024-02-21 02:14:16
美  英
n.  黄原胶(用于食品工业;医学和药学作增稠剂和稳定剂)


  1. And the optimal dosages are 0.3% MCC, 0.03% CMC and 0.01% xanthan gum. 通过正交试验确定稳定剂的配方是0.;3%25MCC+0
  2. Xanthan and other hydrocolloids are now part of the tool kit of high-end chefs. 黄原胶及其他水状胶现在都是高级主厨工具箱的法宝。
  3. Xanthan gum,a extracelluar polyhexose,is used extensively in industry. 黄原胶是一种用途广泛的微生物胞外杂多糖。
  4. They alsodiscuss the use of xanthan gumlchromium as profile correction agent. 讨论了黄胞胶/铬作为调剖剂的应用。
  5. Abstract: Xanthan gum is a kind of biomacromolecule and is widely used inmore than thirty industries. 文摘:黄原胶是一种生物高分子,广泛应用于30多个行业。
  6. The xanthan gum is important because it has higher temperature stability than guar gum. 黄烷胶很重要,因为它比古尔胶在较高温度时更稳定。