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2024-02-21 02:36:16
美[zænθoʊn]  英[zænθəʊn]
n.  氧杂蒽酮


  1. Xanthone was reduced to xanthydrol by sodium borohydride. 用硼氢化钠对呫吨酮还原得到呫吨醇。
  2. Xanthone was efficiently synthesized from o-chlorobenzoic acid first by etherization and then by Friedel-Crafts reaction in the presence of aluminium trichloride. 以邻氯苯甲酸为原料,先进行醚化,再在三氯化铝的作用下进行傅-克反应,可简洁、高效的合成呫吨酮。
  3. The synthesis of xanthone and xanthydrol 咕吨酮及咕吨醇的合成
  4. Isolation and Crystal Structure of Gossampinus Xanthone 木棉素的分离与晶体结构
  5. Chemical studies on new xanthone from Swertia decora 观赏獐牙菜中新?酮的化学研究
  6. Keywords Garcinia mangostana L.;Xanthone;Steroids;Chemical constituents; 关键词莽吉柿;氧杂蒽酮;甾体;化学成分;