2024-02-21 05:58:17
n. <主美>(用掷骰子和记分表进行的)"快艇"游戏
- Life at the Olympics village:Chilling,Dining and Yahtzee! 生活在奥运地球村:闲,吃还有赌(附图)
- Although jokers are not supported, you do get your bonus for a second yahtzee. 尽管不支持策略,但是你可以获得第二个骰子作为奖励。
- You could also choose Triple Yahtzee, where you have three chances to improve your scores. 或许我现在是有些差距,但朋友的成功说明还是有可能做到的。
- Score points with large and small straights, shoot for four of a kind or the ultimate - a YAHTZEE! 可以单独游戏,或和朋友们一起进行联机游戏。
- * Board games: we like to play Risk, or Sorry, or Yahtzee, or bingo, or Clue. *棋盘对弈:我们喜欢玩的有“大冒险”、“对不起”、“掷筛子”、“宾狗”和“妙探寻凶”。