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2024-02-21 06:42:16
美[jʌntrə]  英[jʌntrə]
n.  [宗]具( 印度教和佛教坐禅时所用的线形图案)


  1. The pattern on the floor is a Sri Yantra. 地板上的图案是一种印度冥想图。
  2. The Samrat Yantra: a89 foot high and148 foot wide sundial. 三角形结构的巨型日晷,用于计算当地时间,天顶距等。
  3. He watched her dance, a random cipher drawing its signature across the time-slopes of this dissolving yantra, a symbol in a transcendental geometry. 他目视着她翩翩起舞,一个随机密码在这渐渐消融的印度教具的时间坡上画上了它的签名,那是超越几何中的一个符号。
  4. The apartment was a box-clock, a cubicular extrapolation of the facial planes of the yantra, the cheekbones of Marilyn Monroe. 这座公寓是一个匣钟,是印度教具脸面的立体形状的推断,是玛丽莲 - 梦露的颧骨。
  5. The opposing slopes, inclined at all angles to the sun like an immense Hindu yantra, were marked with the muffled ciphers left by his sliding feet. 对面的坡地宛若印度教的一个巨具,从各个角度斜向太阳。斜坡上是他滑动脚步时留下的无声码似的印痕。
  6. The fact of this older Hindu compass seems placed beyond doubt by the Sanskrit word Maccha Yantra, or fish machine, which Molesworth gives as a name for the mariner/s compass". 事实上这种古老的印度指南针毫无疑问是梵语单词的MacchaYantra,或者是间接探听的机器,捕鱼的机器,相当于水手指南针的名字。