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2024-02-21 07:17:17
美[jætəˌgæn]  英[jætəgæn]
n.  无锷长剑


  1. a long Turkish knife with a curved blade having a single edge


  1. Congratulate you win big prize, please tonight 10:00, take a yataghan, shotgun, soil cannon to arrive China peoples bank receive noodles to receive. 恭喜你中了大奖,请于今天晚上十点整,带着马刀、鸟枪、土炮到中国人民银行蒙面领取。
  2. Is it chinese yataghan? 是中国的马刀吗?
  3. But when I added to the gun an English cutlass with which I had shivered his highnesss yataghan to pieces, the bey yielded, and agreed to forgive the hand and head, but on condition that the poor fellow never again set foot in Tunis. 但我还有一把英国弯刀,这把弯刀可以把国王的土耳其剑切得粉碎,当我在长枪以外又加上这把英国弯刀时,国王就让步了,同意饶了他的手和脑袋,只是有一个条件,不许他的脚再踏上突尼斯。
  4. The wolf and its friend got to the appointed place.But when they saw the enemy coming, they thought it had brought a yataghan because the turn-up tail of the cat looked like a yataghan. 狼和它的朋友已经到了约定的地点,但当它们看到敌人过来时,还以为它带了一把马刀,因为它们误以为猫翘起的尾巴就是马刀了。
  5. See the yataghan raised up into the light 马刀扬起光亮的躯干
  6. Zhang Jianjun: Founding yataghan for information security 张建军:铸就信息安全的倚天长剑