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2024-02-21 09:16:17
美[jiːld]  英[jiːld]
v.  生产;获利;屈服;弯下去
n.  投资收益;生产量
  名词:yielder  过去式:yielded  过去分词:yielded  现在分词:yielding  第三人称单数:yields


  1. (使)屈服,(使)投降
  2. 产生
  3. (被迫)放弃,让步
  4. 弯曲,屈曲
  5. 出产(作物),生产(作物)
  6. 同意,应允,答应,不再反对
  7. 倒塌,垮掉
  8. 让路
  9. 有收获
  10. 给与,让与,让渡,让于,让出,交出,尤指让位于,被...所取代,失去优先地位、领导权等
  11. 生出
  12. 服从,听从
  13. 凹进
  14. 结于,结出(果实)
  15. 提供
  16. 带来
  17. 变形
  18. 折断
  19. 缴出
  1. (生)产量,产额,收成,收获(量)
  2. (投资)收益,利润,利益
  3. 出产,生产,产出
  4. 产品
  5. 回收(率)
  6. 屈服
  7. 击穿
  8. 极限


  1. vt. & vi. 生产,出产 give a natural product, a result or profit
  2. vt. & vi. 放弃; 不再反对 give up; cease opposition
  1. [C] [U] 产量,收益 that which is yielded or produced


  1. production of a certain amount
  2. the income or profit arising from such transactions as the sale of land or other property;

    "the average return was about 5%"

  3. an amount of a product
  4. the quantity of something (as a commodity) that is created (usually within a given period of time);

    "production was up in the second quarter"

  1. be the cause or source of;

    "He gave me a lot of trouble" "Our meeting afforded much interesting information"

  2. end resistance, as under pressure or force;

    "The door yielded to repeated blows with a battering ram"

  3. give or supply;

    "The cow brings in 5 liters of milk" "This years crop yielded 1,000 bushels of corn" "The estate renders some revenue for the family"

  4. give over; surrender or relinquish to the physical control of another
  5. give in, as to influence or pressure
  6. move in order to make room for someone for something;

    "The park gave way to a supermarket" "`Move over, he told the crowd"

  7. cause to happen or be responsible for;

    "His two singles gave the team the victory"

  8. be willing to concede;

    "I grant you this much"

  9. be fatally overwhelmed
  10. bring in;

    "interest-bearing accounts" "How much does this savings certificate pay annually?"

  11. be flexible under stress of physical force;

    "This material doesnt give"

  12. cease opposition; stop fighting
  13. consent reluctantly


  1. yield apples结出苹果
  2. yield benefit带来益处
  3. yield crops长出庄稼
  4. yield fruit获得成果
  5. yield milk产出牛奶
  6. yield profit获利
  7. yield fortress放弃要塞
  8. yield purpose放弃目标
  9. yield town交出城镇
  1. yield abundantly出产丰富
  2. yield finally最终产出
  3. yield meekly温顺地听从
  4. yield peacefully不战而降
  5. yield poorly产量低
  6. yield scantily产量不高
  7. yield up交出
  1. yield from fruit trees果树的水果产量
  2. yield of fruit水果产量
  3. yield on…的收益
  1. increase the yield提高产量
  1. average〔total〕 yield平均〔总〕产量
  2. current yield目前收益
  3. enormous yield丰收
  1. egg yield产蛋量
  2. harvest yield农作物收获量


  1. The village abounds in fields that yield many bushels of corn.那个村庄到处都是盛产玉米的农田。
  2. The combined investment is expected to yield $5,000 in the first year.第一年该总投资有望获利5000美元。
  3. We ve already made it clear that we will not yield to pressure.我们已经表明我们不会屈服于压力。
  4. The shelf is beginning to yield under that heavy weight.架子被那么大的重量压得弯了下去。
  1. So if the share price rises and the dividend does not, then the yield falls.因此,如果股份上涨而股息不变,收益就下跌。
  2. Wheat yields doubled last year.去年小麦产量翻了一番。


    yield的基本意思是“生产,出产”,指树木结出果实或田地长出庄稼,也可指某些劳动或措施得到成果。引申可指“放弃,投降”。 yield可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语,有时还可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。