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2024-02-21 09:17:16
美[jiːldəns]  英[jiːldəns]
n.  <古>屈服; 让步


  1. It is not only related to the ages they lived in, but also essentially linked with their submission and yieldance to male-dominant literature. 这既与女作家身处的时代社会有关,又受制于她们自身对男权文学陈规的顺应和屈从。
  2. The citizens group in her works live as a kind of firm spirit, striving to improve their hard lives in stead of yieldance to the distressing life and reaching at a perfect situation at length. 理想的生活,美好的感情,高雅的情趣,一切都以存在作为基础。她肯定了人的欲望的合理性和积极性,她笔下的人物都不屈不挠的生活着。
  3. blissful yieldance to her sweet allure 满心欢喜地屈服在她甜蜜的诱惑下