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2024-02-21 10:17:17
美[joʊnɪ]  英[jəʊnɪ]
n.  (印度教中)女性外阴像


  1. 【宗】(在印度与西藏的宗教中象征性力女神而受教徒崇拜的)女性外阴像
  2. 在印度与西藏的宗教中象征阴户的符号


  1. Continuous pressure on one side of her yoni is Varahaghata ( the Boars Blow ). 持续的压力,一方面是她的号Yoni Varahaghata ( 野猪的吹 ) 。
  2. Some traditions also aver that the mountain is Shivas linga and Lake Manasarowar below is the yoni of His consort. 佛教、印度教、耆那教和苯教四大教派均将冈仁波齐尊为神山,世界中心。
  3. Quivering in her yoni is Chatakavilasa ( Sparrow Sport ), which usually heralds orgasm. 在她的号Yoni颤抖是 Chatakavilasa ( 麻雀运动 ) ,这通常预示着高潮。
  4. When you strike sharply down into the yoni, it is Hula ( the Double-edged Knife ). 当您罢工大幅下降到号Yoni ,这是 草裙舞 ( 的双刃刀 ) 。
  5. If you grasp your penis and move it in circles inside her yoni, it is Manthana ( Churning ). 如果你抓住你的阴茎,并在她的号Yoni界内,这是 Manthana ( 喷 ) 。
  6. Her cupped hands often form the Yoni Mudra, symbolizing the womb as the door for entry to this world through the universal female principle. 她凹陷的手形态经常形成女性外阴像情态,象征子宫通过普遍的女性法则作为进入这个世界的通道。