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2024-02-21 12:01:16
美[zaɪbɑːtsuː]  英[zaɪbɑːtsuː]
n.  (日本的)财阀或财团


  1. <日>财阀(=zaibatzu)(支配日本金融、商业和工业的几个家族)
  2. 财阀富豪财团(实力强大的金融企业集团)


  1. In Japan, banks are usually the nexus of cross share holding entity known as zaibatsu. 在日本,银行通常是交叉联结持有股份的实体,被称为财阀。
  2. The heads of Japans "zaibatsu" -- urban industrial conglomerates -- were pro-Western. 日本大财阀的掌门人都是亲西方的。
  3. Moreover, most banks were linked to companies within corporate families, called zaibatsu. 此外,大多数银行都与家族集团联系在一起,称之为财阀。
  4. After the war the zaibatsu were dissolved: stock owned by the parent companies was put up for sale and individual companies were freed from the control of parent companies. 第二次世界大战结束后,财阀被解散。
  5. Japanese Sogo Shosha, wiih a development history of over one-century since the foundingof the Three Big Zaibatsu combines in 1870s, has become super sized conglomerate today. 自十九世纪七十年代三大财阀商社诞生以来,日本综合商社的发展历史已越百年,至今已发展成规模特别巨大的综合性企业。
  6. The government also directly supported the prospering of businesses and industries, especially the large and powerful family businesses called zaibatsu. 政府还直接支持商业和工业的发展,尤其是强大的家族商业----财阀。