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2024-02-21 12:23:17
美  英
n.  赞恩(姓氏;男子名)


  1. Betty: Never ask Zane, never ask! 贝蒂:永远别问赞恩,永远都别问!
  2. Zane: So I guess that its expensive right? 赞恩:那我猜想它很贵,对吗?
  3. Zane: Why didnt you buy it yesterday? 赞恩:你昨天为什么不买下来?
  4. Zane: You look really stressed. Are you OK? 赞恩:你看起来压力很大,没事吧?
  5. Betty: Can you come shopping with me Zane? 贝蒂:你能和我一起去购物吗,赞恩?
  6. Zane: No problem. We can team study. 赞恩:没关系,我们可以一起学习。