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2024-02-21 12:42:16
美  英
abbr.  津巴布韦非洲人民联盟=Zimbabwe African Peoples Union


  1. There is no bonded storage in the city of Jiaxing,but there is one in port of Zapu. 现嘉兴市区内没有保税仓库,但乍浦港有一个。
  2. Its the situation. If you need to have investigation in port of Zapu? we can arrange it. 情况就是如此,是否有需要再去乍浦港实地考察和咨询,如有需要,我们可以安排。
  3. ZAPU; Zimbabwe Conference on Reconstruction and Development; 津巴布韦重建发展会议;
  4. zapu port enclosing dike 乍浦港围堤