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2024-02-21 15:50:17
美[zoʊiːə]  英[zəʊiːə]
n.  海蟹幼虫


  1. There was significantly higher lipase activity in zoea than in mysis (P 脂肪酶比活力?状幼体显著高于糠虾幼体(P<0.;05)。
  2. Nauplius, protozoea and zoea can be further divided into 4, 3 and 2 substages, respectively. 各期又可分成无节幼体四期、蚤状幼体三期及糠虾二期。
  3. Larval stages could be divided into four stages: nauplius, protozea, zoea and postlarva. 幼体的发育可分成四期:无节幼体、蚤状幼体、糠虾及仔虾。
  4. The 48h LC50; values for zoea,mysis and postlarva are 11. 19, 11. 41 and 37. 34 mg/dm3 NO-2-N. 状、糠虾、仔虾48h的LC50值分别为11.;19、11
  5. Apply once every two day at night, 2-5 ppm each time, from zoea stage continue till transfer of larvae fish to growing pound. 两天一次,2-5ppm于夜间实施,从眼幼虫期一直使用到可供放养的虾苗。
  6. The results indicate that:1. The activities of trypsin-like enzyme and pepsin were different in different stage of the larvae of prawn: Penaeus chinensis Zoea stage 结果表明;1.;虾苗酶活力结果为:类胰蛋白酶及胃蛋白酶的活性有差异;?凶从滋迤?lt;糠虾幼体期<仔虾期;