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2024-02-21 16:46:17
美[ˌzoʊəˌdʒiːəgræfɪk]  英[ˌzəʊədʒɪəgræfɪk]
adj.  动物地理学的


  1. Palearctic Zoogeographic region of nontropical Eurasia and north tip of Africa. 古北区的非热带欧亚大陆与非洲北端的动物地理区。
  2. Of or relating to the zoogeographic region that includes Africa and most of Arabia. 非洲赤道以南地区的属于或关于包括非洲和大部分阿拉伯的动物地理学区域的
  3. Neotropical Zoogeographic region consisting of South and Central America with tropical Mexico. 新热带区的包含中南美洲与热带墨西哥的动物地理区。
  4. Based on the results of many-year surveys,reptile fauna and zoogeographic division in Hunan Province are discussed. 根据多年的调查资料,分析阐述了湖南爬行动物区系和爬行动物地理区划。
  5. According to the zoogeographic division, this area belonged to the Fujian-Guangdong coast and sub-district, South China district, Oriental Realm. 两栖爬行动物地理区划属东洋界华南区闽广沿海亚区粤北动物地理省,区系组成以东洋界华中区与华南区共有种为主。
  6. Of,relating to,or being the zoogeographic region that includes Australia and the islands adjacent to it,including New Guinea,New Zealand,Polynesia,and Tasmania. 生物地理澳洲区的属于、关于或有着澳洲生物地理区域的,包括澳洲大陆及新几内亚、新西兰、波利尼西亚和塔斯马尼亚在内的邻近岛屿。