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2024-02-21 16:54:16
美[zoʊɔɪd]  英[zəʊɔɪd]
n.  [生]游动孢子


  1. one of the distinct individuals forming a colonial animal such as a bryozoan or hydrozoan


  1. A feeding zooid in a hydroid colony having an oral opening surrounded by tentacles. 水螅体水螅群体的一营养个体,有一周围生有触须的口部
  2. One of the distinct individuals that join to form a compound or colonial animal;a zooid. 群体动物的个体形成集合或群体动物的完全不同的个体;单一个体
  3. There are three kinds of life: the vegetant life, the zooid life, and the rational life. 生命有三种,即植物性生命,其功能现象是营养,生长、繁殖。
  4. One of the distinct individuals that join to form a compound or colonial animal; a zooid. 群体动物的个体形成集合或群体动物的完全不同的个体;单一个体
  5. Each zooid has a specific role and together they function as if it were an animal. 看着他不慌不忙的态度,我这才放下心来。
  6. Development of antitumor activity of male zooid of antheraea pernyi cecropin 柞蚕雄蛾抗肿瘤作用研究进展