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2024-02-21 17:57:16
美[zuːt]  英[zuːt]
n.  =zoot suit[缩略]


  1. Before then, Id seen zoot suits only in old movies. 此前,我只是在老电影里见过佐特套服。
  2. Some of her young male subjects, lounging around in their zoot suits and fedoras, had an unmistakable air of menace. 她所拍摄的那些粉头嫩脑的男人身披松垮的“组特服”,头戴浅顶软呢帽,慵懒地站着,那种威胁味一眼便能看穿。
  3. He lives in Lawrence, Kan., with his cat, Zoot, and spends his free time gardening and playing bass guitar. 他与他的猫祖德住在堪萨斯州的劳伦斯,馀暇则以园艺和弹奏低音电吉他为乐。
  4. Ralph, Jr. stands before her with a goofy smile, dressed in a purple zoot suit with hat. Paula, who is eight inches taller, looks down at him stupefied. 小拉尔夫穿着一套紫色连帽的阻特装,傻笑着站在她面前。保拉,比他高8英寸,面无表情地俯视着他。
  5. zoot suitn. 阻特装