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2024-02-21 19:28:17
美[ˌzaɪmoʊteknɪks]  英[ˌzaɪməʊteknɪks]
n.  发酵法;酿造法


  1. The experiments show the tinge zymotechnics soy sauce improves the flavor and quality of grilled food remarkably. 通过研究表明酱油能明显改善焙烤食品风味,提高产品品质。
  2. Of our country " two paces zymotechnics produces vitamin C " it is great science and technology invents the country. 我国的“两步发酵法生产维生素C”是国家重大科技发明。
  3. Process technology of tinge zymotechnics soy sauce and its quality influenced by the technics are introduced in detail. 介绍了淡色本酿造酱油的生产工艺及工艺对酱油品质的影响;
  4. Although the history of Australian wine are a little shorter than European countries,it has their own special wines’ zymotechnics. 虽然澳洲葡萄酒历史与欧洲国家比起来稍显短暂,但是澳洲酒的酿造工艺,却有它的特别之处,才使之被越来越多的人所接受。
  5. In world distill wine manufacturing technology uses distinctive solid state zymotechnics, the product style that forms thereby is original. 在世界蒸馏酒中生产工艺采用独特的固态发酵法,从而形成的产品风格独具一格。
  6. From the process of the production of glutathione, there are mainly extraction, chemical synthesis, microorganism zymotechnics and chemical enzymatic synthesis. 但由于直接从茶叶中提取高纯度茶氨酸的成本比较高昂,茶氨酸的人工合成,特别是微生物发酵合成方法一直是人们研究的热点。