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2024-02-21 19:47:16
美[dɪskraɪb]  英[dɪskraɪb]
vt.  描述;说成;形容;画(尤指几何图形)
  形容词:describable  名词:describer  过去式:described  过去分词:described  现在分词:describing  第三人称单数:describes


  1. 讲述,叙述,记述,评述,表述,讲讲,谈一谈
  2. 制(图),作(图),画(图形),描绘,描摹,勾画出…的轮廓, 形成…的形状
  3. 描写,描述,形容
  4. 把…说成,把…称为
  5. 表示,指示,意味着
  6. <废>望见,看出,辨别出
  7. 提供描述,进行描述,起描述作用


  1. vt. 描写,叙述 say what sth is like; give a picture of in words
  2. vt. 画出(图形等) draw (especially a geometrical figure)


  1. give a description of;

    "He drew an elaborate plan of attack"

  2. to give an account or representation of in words;

    "Discreet Italian police described it in a manner typically continental"

  3. make a mark or lines on a surface;

    "draw a line" "trace the outline of a figure in the sand"

  4. identify as in botany or biology, for example


  1. describe a circle做一圆圈
  2. describe a good-natured woman描述一个脾气温顺的女子
  3. describe a scoundrel形容一个恶棍
  4. describe an arc in the dark sky在昏暗的天空中划出了一道圆弧
  5. describe an excellent teacher描述一位非常好的老师
  6. describe an ordinary描述一个普通人
  7. describe sbs employer描述雇主
  8. describe sbs joy形容某人的快乐
  9. describe that battle把战斗描述一下
  10. describe the accident把出事的经过叙述一下
  11. describe the beauty of the scene描述美丽的场景
  12. describe the scene描述那种情景
  13. describe the story把经过叙说一下
  14. describe the thief描述那个盗贼的特征
  15. describe these subjects阐述这些问题
  1. describe well描述得恰如其分
  2. describe aesthetically审美地描述
  3. describe appropriately恰当地描述
  4. describe briefly简洁地描述
  5. describe clearly阐述得很清楚
  6. describe correctly正确地描述
  7. describe exactly精确地描述
  8. describe graphically生动地描绘
  9. describe justly公正地描述
  10. describe minutely详细地描述
  11. describe precisely精确地描述
  12. describe roughly粗略地描绘
  13. describe tersely简洁地描述
  14. describe thoroughly详尽地描述
  15. describe unsuccessfully失败地描述
  16. describe vividly生动地描写
  1. describe as把…说成,把…称为
  2. describe oneself as a doctor自称是医生
  3. describe sb as really clever说某人是真正的聪明人
  4. describe sb as uncle称某人为大叔
  5. describe for向…描述
  6. describe to向…描述


  1. The police asked me to describe exactly how it happened.警察让我描述一下这事是怎样发生的。
  2. Words cannot describe the beauty of the scene.语言难以描述那景色之美丽。
  3. He describes himself as a doctor.他自称是医生。
  4. No one could describe the scorn of her expression.谁也无法形容她那股鄙夷万分的表情。
  5. It is very difficult to describe my joy in words.我的快乐难以用语言来形容。
  6. The falling star described a long curve in the sky.流星在空中画出了一道长长的弧线。


    describe的基本意思是“描写”,特指用语言文字描述,多是生动地、具体地,力图将所叙述的内容像图片般栩栩如生地呈现在他人面前,不仅给人以视觉印象,而且使其他感官也产生共鸣。describe还可表示“画出(图形等)”。 describe是及物动词,接名词、代词、动名词或疑问词从句作宾语。 describe不用于describe sb sth 结构,如表示“向…描述”,须借助于介词to。 describe的宾语后常接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语,表示“把…描述为”“认为…”, as后面可接名词、形容词或现在分词、过去分词。as极少改为to be。


  1. 我想给你讲述一下某些困难。

    I want to describe you some of the difficulties.

    I want to describe to you some of the difficulties.

    I want to describe some of the difficulties to you.

    describe不可用于describe sb sth 结构, sb 由介词to引出。